Renewable Fuels

Understand Renewable Fuel Standards of the Clean Air Act

The Renewable Fuel Standards of the Clean Air Act sets forth mandates requiring increased reliance on renewable energy sources in fuel production and consumption. Businesses in this sector must be aware of complex and detailed regulations and guidance to plan and implement renewable technologies.

Our client was a producer of renewable fuel, ethanol derived from waste products. We successfully helped our client obtain an approved “pathway” petition authorizing our client to produce renewable fuels and generate “Renewable Identification Numbers” or RINs under the Clean Air Act. To help support our client’s continued generation of renewable fuel, we also prepared a comprehensive comment to the proposed regulation of the US Environmental Protection Agency based on the legal, regulatory and policy goals of the Clean Air Act, the Renewable Fuel Standards, other environmental statutes and various EPA policy statements.

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For more than 20 years, our focused environmental law practice has achieved success through our unique way of seeing and solving challenges. Let our talented and resourceful team assist you in achieving your goals.

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