LSRP Program Examination Date: May 14, 2012

On May 7, 2009, then New Jersey Governor, John Corzine, signed into law the Site Remediation Reform Act (SRRA), N.J.S.A. 58:10C-1 et seq., which mandates broad changes in the process of remediating contaminated sites in New Jersey.  The most significant change is the introduction of the Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) program, which transfers significant authority in the remediation process from state regulators at the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) into the hands of LSRPs, which are professional engineering consultants that are licensed by a newly-created Site Remediation Professional Licensing Board.  This Board is made up of environmental scientists and remediation practioners, as well as academics and industry and public interest stakeholders.  The Board will hold public meetings and will grant and withdraw licenses under criteria that the Board authorizes.  SRRA borrows and models certain aspects of the LSRP program from similar processes operating in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, regarding their success.

The NJDEP just announced the first LSRP examination is scheduled to take place on May 14, 2012.  In order to register to take the exam, applicants must first apply for and receive an approval letter from the Site Remediation Professional Licensing Board, where the NJDEP is currently reviewing applications on behalf of the Board.  Until the examination and licensing process is completed, the NJDEP has provided qualified contractors with temporary LSRP status to oversea and direct remedial work.

The Law Office of Howard Davis has been following the latest changes and developments in the LSRP program, and we will continue to comment on them and provide updates to our clients.  For the latest information on how the SRRA program and newly evolving rules and regulations promulgated under its authority will affect you and your site remediation plans, please contact the Law Office of Howard Davis, P.C. at phone: (201) 541-9737 or email:

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