We have exceptional expertise in obtaining government loans and grants to fund environmental investigation and remediation
Financing an environmental investigation and remediation can be a daunting task. With our help, many of our clients have successfully obtained government grants and loan funding to pay for all or a substantial part of an environmental investigation and remediation. The State of New Jersey has several grant and loan programs that provide funding for environmental investigation and remediation. One such program is the Hazardous Discharge Site Remediation Fund (HDSRF), which provides an unrestricted use designation. Federal funding, and sometimes even local funding, may also be available.
Although recently some programs have been cut, governmental funding still may help significantly with environmental remediation. We work with our clients to determine their eligibility for these programs and whether it makes sense for them to seek such funding. We also can help navigate the application process (which can be technical and complicated) and coordinate with environmental consultants, agency representatives, and accountants.